October 27, 2015

GoldSim Training Course in Tucson in December

Posted by Rick Kossik

I'll be teaming with Dave Hoekstra of SRK Consulting to teach a 3-day course entitled "Developing Mine Water Balances in GoldSim" December 3-5 in Tucson. This course is being held in conjunction with the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, & Exploration (SME) Arizona Conference. I'll be leading the first two days, which are targeted at people new to GoldSim and will cover basic use of GoldSim. Dave will spend the third day focusing on water balance modeling. If you are already familiar with GoldSim, you can attend just the third day. You can read more about the course and register here.

October 20, 2015

Powerful Decision Making for a Phosphate Mine

Posted by Jason Lillywhite

One of the winners of the 2015 User Conference poster session presented on a GoldSim application for a phosphate mine in central Florida. After reading more about this application, I began to better appreciate the great work that Cardno has been involved in. The phosphate mining industry faces very strict effluent limitations while having to manage several hundred gallons of water around the site every day. The model must account for a continuously changing landscape of flow paths and operating schemes under varying hydrologic conditions. Read about how GoldSim is being used to help the mining company make better decisions as they comply with these changing regulations.

October 14, 2015

Photos from the User Conference

Posted by Jason Lillywhite

The 2015 GoldSim User Conference was held September 24th and 25th in Seattle and was a big success. Here are some photos showing the highlights of the conference, including the social events and poster presentations.