Posted by Rick Kossik
This is the fifth installment of short excerpts from the online CT Course that is currently under development. These excerpts are all, by necessity, from the conceptual parts of the Course, as those parts that are "hands-on" don't necessarily work well in a blog format. However, there is plenty of conceptual matter to discuss (the Course is very detailed and extensive), so I'm hoping you will still find these excerpts useful.The first excerpt simply provided the outline describing how the Course will be organized. The second excerpt discussed the key decisions required before starting to build a contaminant transport model. The third excerpt discussed the problem of uncertainty in contaminant transport models and the underlying philosophy of the GoldSim Contaminant Transport Module. The fourth excerpt provided an overview of the physical processes controlling mass transport (advection, dispersion and diffusion).
This excerpt provides an overview of the chemical processes controlling fate and transport.